Shellter + Metasploit + NetRipper: Bypass Antivirus and Sniff HTTPS password

Shellter + Metasploit + NetRipper: Bypass Antivirus and Sniff HTTPS password

NetRipper – this is a fairly recent tool that is positioned for the post-operating system based on Windows and uses a number of non-standard approach to extract sensitive data. It uses API hooking in order to intercept network traffic and encryption related functions from a low privileged user, being able to capture both plain-text traffic and encrypted traffic before encryption/after decryption. This tool was first demonstrated at the Defcon 23 in Vegas.
Installing NetRipper in Kali Linux
root@ddos:~/Desktop# git clone
root@ddos:~/Desktop# cd NetRipper/Metasploit/
root@ddos:~/Desktop/NetRipper/Metasploit# cp netripper.rb /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/post/windows/gather/netripper.rb
root@ddos:~/Desktop/NetRipper/Metasploit# mkdir /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/post/windows/gather/netripper
root@ddos:~/Desktop/NetRipper/Metasploit# g++ -Wall netripper.cpp -o netripper
root@ddos:~/Desktop/NetRipper/Metasploit# cp netripper /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/post/windows/gather/netripper/netripper
root@ddos:~/Desktop/NetRipper/Metasploit# cd ../Release/
root@ddos:~/Desktop/NetRipper/Release# cp DLL.dll /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/post/windows/gather/netripper/DLL.dll
Generating FUD payload with Shellter

  1. Download and run shellter
  2.  Choose Operation Mode  and Target [executable file to embed backdoor], on this tutorial, i am going to use plink.exe file
  3. Configure your payload, setting LHOST, RPORT parameter
  4. Start Metasploit listener
  5. Send backdoored-file to your victim and wait until it starts
  6. You /post/windows/gather/netripper module, and setting the parametter. I am going to inject firefox.exe process. You can also inject Google Chrome process.
  7. And now all the data from these processes are beginning to be saved in the temporary directory of the user.
  8. Now, you can get all victim traffic (include HTTPS traffic)

You can view my video demo
